Southern Crane & Hydraulics
Inspection & Load Testing

Inspection & Load Testing
Southern Crane and Hydraulics, LLC is a Cralog Certified Company. Southern Crane and Hydraulics, LLC through Cralog is certified to provide inspections and services to over 100 different Makes, Models and Types of Davits and Rescue Water Crafts.
Our technicians are qualified crane inspectors with knowledge of all types of crane and/or lifting equipment ranging from FRC Davits to Offshore Knucke Boom cranes.
Crane inspections follow O.S.H.A. or A.P.I. regulations. In some cases we also work with A.B.S and the U.S.C.G. as needed or requested.
We keep certified dynomometers, rigging and water-bags in stock and readily available.
SCH does not claim to be O.S.H.A. accredited and our O.S.H.A. inspections are to be treated as in house inspections.
SCH is trained under O.S.H.A and A.S.M.E. with the C.I.A.